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Tel: (812) 602-5400
5611 E Morgan Avenue, Suite A
Evansville, IN 47715
Upcoming Show Dates
- Winter Tumble Showcase-December 6th, 2025
- Winter Dance Showcase-December 7th-8th, 2025
- Spring Tumble Showcase-March 14th-16th, 2025
- Spring Dance Showcase-May 28th-30th, 2025
- Company Show-May 31st, 2025
What dates will the studio be closed?- August 30th-September 2nd, 2024: Labor Day Break - October 31st, 2024: Halloween - November 27th-30th, 2024: Thanksgiving Break -December 23rd-January 1st: Winter Break -March 24th-30th, 2025: Spring Break -May 23rd-26th, 2025: Memorial Day Break
How long have you been in business?Thr!ve has been open for 15 years but at its current location for 11. Owners Yvette Walts and Molly Hall have been teaching together for over 30 years.
How can I pay for classes?Monthly tuition is charged to a credit card that we will have on file on the 1st day of each month. This means no more check writing, waiting in line to pay for classes, or forgetting to mail a payment on time. Please refer to the Tuition and Registration Chart for more information.
Do I pay the same amount per month even when there are fewer classes?Yes. For your convenience, yearly tuition is divided into equal monthly installments. The same tuition is paid monthly no matter the number of classes in a month. If you don’t want to display the title, simply disable the Title under “Info to Display”.
Do I have to sign a contract?No. Tuition is paid on a month-to-month basis. At the time of registration, we require authorization for automatic monthly payments from your credit card. We do require a written notice for withdrawing from a class by the 15th of the previous month to avoid being charged for the upcoming month’s tuition or other automatic withdrawal (costumes, performance fee).
Do you offer performance opportunities?Yes, there is a dance recital for those who are enrolled in a recreational class in May, a holiday showcase in December for recreational dance and tumble, as well as a spring showcase for recreational tumble classes in March.
What about boys?We encourage and welcome both male and female students. Dance and tumbling classes are also a wonderful supplemental activity to sports. In fact, many professional athletes are required to take dance and tumbling class as a means of increasing flexibility, agility, and prevention of injuries.
Can I watch my child in a class?Of course! We love for parents to know what their child is learning in class. Thrive has observation windows to each of the three dance studios and there is a viewing area for each of the tumbling areas. Parents and siblings must remember that students are in class to learn and not be distracted by those standing near the observation areas.
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